Hello February!

Well so much for New Year’s resolution to focus on planning for the year – January gone and have only managed to gather information about some forthcoming shows/call for artists but have done nothing with them – and have missed some deadlines!

BUT I have completely re-organised my Studio Room and started a new teaching job plus three events now booked for 2014 so maybe not so bad after all.

On the downside no Blogs so far in 2014 – have been a very bad girl – and no new work to show yet. So instead I will continue sharing some of my past projects.

So inspired by my friend Jenny’s fabulous photos of ancient Hornbeams I have decided to share some of my tree studies.

Tree Bark

Tree Bark

Bark Close Up

Bark Close Up

Lovely Twisted Tree

Lovely Twisted Tree

Tree Print

Tree Print

Bark Print

Bark Print

Big Girls Can Spirograph Too!


Problem – soooo many pics that my backup external hard drive is getting perilously full.
Solution – a new hard drive to store just my photos (you thought I was going to have a massive cull didn’t you?}
Confession – did delete a few but not enough to create significant additional space!
Confession 2 – Magpie tendencies run in the family – my Sister, Mum and Dad developed this to Degree Level!

JOY – have discovered some of my early Spirograph Designs which led to the pieces I have been sharing with you
Problem 2 – more Spirography now added to my To Do List!

tessalation 003c

tessalation 003

tessalation 002

tessalation 001

tessalation 004aBig Girl's Can Spirograph Too!

Ain Mountains, near Sutrieu, France

Some sample landscapes which I produced on my painting holiday to Sutrieu in the Ain Mountains, near to the Swiss border.

You can view the results at my shows during the Bedfordshire Arts Trail and Hertfordshire Open Studios, during September.

I look forward to seeing you.

The Cascade near Sutrieu

The Cascade near Sutrieu

The Cascade near Sutrieu

The Cascade near Sutrieu

Ain Mountains, France

Ain Mountains, France

Ain Mountains, France

Ain Mountains, France

More Drawings from France

Here are some more of the drawings I produced on my painting holiday to Sutrieu in the Ain Mountains, near to the Swiss border.

You can view the results at my shows during the Bedfordshire Arts Trail and Hertfordshire Open Studios, during September.

I look forward to seeing you.

More textures

More textures

French Fields near Sutrieu

French Fields near Sutrieu

More fields near Sutrieu

More fields near Sutrieu

French Fields near to Sutrieu

French Fields near to Sutrieu

Landscapes and Textures from France

Here is a selection of the work I produced on my painting holiday to Sutrieu in the Ain Mountains, near to the Swiss border.

You can view the results at my shows during the Bedfordshire Arts Trail and Hertfordshire Open Studios, during September.

I look forward to seeing you.



Bark Texture

Bark Texture





More Brick Textures for ANB Art Trail Exhibition

Brick Samples 2

Brick Samples 3

This week I will be mostly creating art inspired by my drawing and painting at Luton Hoo Walled Garden. Our exhibition will co-incide with their Heritage Weekend – 14th and 15th September.

Hope you can come along to view the results.


Red 2 White

This Blog and her related Etsy Shops are definitely worth a visit.  Her work is so beautiful and inspiring – another designer-maker who I am jealous of!

I have been thinking about direct dyeing/printing from plants for a long time and this only makes me even more keen to try this out.  I am wondering how I can use natural dyeing and plant prints, combined with stitch, to interpret my fabulous Harris land and seascapes.

BUT this plan will have to wait as I am busy at the moment working on a couple of commissions and preparing for my pre Christmas show – details to follow shortly.



Art in Action

Art in Action

Had a great day out at Art in Action at the weekend. Loved the wide range of creative work on show and was particularly encouraged by the number of textile artists present. Definitely need to investigate this as a possible sales opportunity for next year.

Iona Mackenzie Laycock
With my love of the Scottish landscape I was particularly drawn to these layered textile landscapes. Alongside my accessories I want to develop art which combines drawing/painting and textiles.

Amanda Ross

Felt very inspired by these beautiful layered prints, direct from plant life. Must start drawing again (how many times have I said that.)

Bark drawing in Ink, using a stick, and charcoal.

A Step into the Unknown

After six years’ of study, and a very busy time at my Degree Show and New Designers, it is very hard to imagine my life from this point on.

I am totally committed to making new work and finding customers for it and, as I received such fantastic feedback for my Degree pieces, I am confident that there is a market for my accessories and jackets.

But now comes the hard bit – planning work which which is commercially viable and making and developing those crucial contacts that lead to sales.

I have decided to take it slowly and follow up on all the fantastic advice and interest I have received so far. I certainly think I do have a business-minded approach, which many artists find a challenge, so this will definitely help.

I am also going to take some time research and produce new images from nature, as I always find this inspiring.

I really miss drawing, painting and using mixed media to create patterns and am looking forward to making a lovely sketchbook, not as a requirement of my studies, but just for the joy of it!

However, despite feeling positive and motivated (mostly) the move away from the structure and security blanket of study is so great and different from what I am used to that any future life feels like it might be happening to someone else!

Exciting and scary at the same time.