Coffee and Art – Perfect!

My work can now be viewed whilst you enjoy a lovely coffee and cake at the Pensieri Cafe, Ram’s Yard, Bedford.

Afterwards why not pop along to the newly refurbished Higgins Gallery, which is almost next door?

What better way to spend a relaxing afternoon?

Pensieri Cafe, Bedford

Pensieri Cafe, Bedford

Pensieri 2

Pensieri Cafe, Bedford

Pensieri 3

Pensieri Cafe, Bedford

Priory Tearooms, Dunstable

Dunstable Town Council has launched a new project to promote local makers – Showcase Shelving – in the Tourist Information Shop at Priory House, Dunstable.

During March you can see (and buy from) shelves by Joanne Bowes and Jan Drury featuring original art; prints and cards of original art; accessories; jewellery and sketch books.

Plus you can enjoy delicious tea or coffee and homemade cakes and snacks whilst you are there (and admire the recently restored undercroft in the TeaRoom).

Joanne's Shelf

Joanne’s Shelf

Jan's Shelf

Jan’s Shelf

Hello February!

Well so much for New Year’s resolution to focus on planning for the year – January gone and have only managed to gather information about some forthcoming shows/call for artists but have done nothing with them – and have missed some deadlines!

BUT I have completely re-organised my Studio Room and started a new teaching job plus three events now booked for 2014 so maybe not so bad after all.

On the downside no Blogs so far in 2014 – have been a very bad girl – and no new work to show yet. So instead I will continue sharing some of my past projects.

So inspired by my friend Jenny’s fabulous photos of ancient Hornbeams I have decided to share some of my tree studies.

Tree Bark

Tree Bark

Bark Close Up

Bark Close Up

Lovely Twisted Tree

Lovely Twisted Tree

Tree Print

Tree Print

Bark Print

Bark Print

Big Girls Can Spirograph Too!


Problem – soooo many pics that my backup external hard drive is getting perilously full.
Solution – a new hard drive to store just my photos (you thought I was going to have a massive cull didn’t you?}
Confession – did delete a few but not enough to create significant additional space!
Confession 2 – Magpie tendencies run in the family – my Sister, Mum and Dad developed this to Degree Level!

JOY – have discovered some of my early Spirograph Designs which led to the pieces I have been sharing with you
Problem 2 – more Spirography now added to my To Do List!

tessalation 003c

tessalation 003

tessalation 002

tessalation 001

tessalation 004aBig Girl's Can Spirograph Too!

Fabulous Florence

Florentine Church

Florentine Church

Florence Inspired Skirt

Florence Inspired Skirt

Another of my favourite projects was based on a visit to Florence which was very inspirational. I fell in love with the amazing churches and based by Skirt project on the things I photographed and drew.

Also I discovered Reverse Applique – a technique which is still a favourite so you can be sure that in my future work I will be creating new Reverse Applique items, using my naturally-dyed fabrics and inspired by buildings and landscapes.

Arched Walkway - Florence

Arched Walkway – Florence

Watch the Birdie

Love this little felted bird which I made last week at Jenny’s workshop. Although I have done 2D needle felting before this is my first 3D effort so feeling very pleased with myself. Mind you it was really due to Jenny’s patient teaching skills.

Felted 'Sparrow'

PS I haven’t had time to add his feet yet!

HVA Summer Show at Harpenden Public Halls

Just dropped off my work for the HVA Summer Show – a long queue of eager artists, and glimpses of their art, promises a good show:

HVA Harpenden

Just a little look at my new landscape – the Ain Mountains in Southern France – but, as with all textile art, it is better to see it in person:

Horizon III - Ain Mountains, France

30 Artists, 30 Days Masterpiece Unveiled

Many of the artists involved in this project gathered at PS Arts this afternoon to view the finished picture, eat Sunflower Cupcakes and admire the Brownies’ Sunflower memorial wall. Representatives of the Isobel Hospice joined us to share the celebration. The fabulous weather reflected the bright sunflower theme and showed off the fantastic finished artwork to good effect.

Maria's Vase - 30 Artists, 30 Days

Maria’s Vase – 30 Artists, 30 Days

Now the hard work starts for Sharon who has committed to raising £30k for the Hospice. She will be travelling with the masterpiece to local venues to show it off and sell £10 lottery tickets with the winner becoming the new owner of the work.  Meanwhile the Brownies have been raising funds by selling the sunflowers they have made to visitors, who have added their personal messages to those the have lost to the centre of the flowers. Sarah has been busy baking mini Sunflower cupcakes (which are delicious and selling fast).

Brownies' Sunflower Memorial Wall

Well done everyone – we next meet up to hand in our mini canvases which will also be for sale, meanwhile there will be an exhibition in the Barn of work by all the artists who took part and a big launch part on 2nd August. Check the PS Sunflower cup cakesArts website for more information.

Sunflower memorial