Big Girls Can Spirograph Too!


Problem – soooo many pics that my backup external hard drive is getting perilously full.
Solution – a new hard drive to store just my photos (you thought I was going to have a massive cull didn’t you?}
Confession – did delete a few but not enough to create significant additional space!
Confession 2 – Magpie tendencies run in the family – my Sister, Mum and Dad developed this to Degree Level!

JOY – have discovered some of my early Spirograph Designs which led to the pieces I have been sharing with you
Problem 2 – more Spirography now added to my To Do List!

tessalation 003c

tessalation 003

tessalation 002

tessalation 001

tessalation 004aBig Girl's Can Spirograph Too!

Visit the ANB Show at Luton Hoo Walled Garden

Here are some more of my sample pieces for the ANB September Arts Trail at Luton Hoo Walled Garden’s Heritage Weekend.

Would love to see you there on 14th and 15th September: LHWG


Gateway and Detail LHWG

Bee Homes

Bee Homes LHWG

More Luton Hoo Walled Garden Textures

Here are some more of my development pieces from Luton Hoo Walled Garden. I have so far made two completed pieces and am working on a third.

Visit the ANB Art Trail at Luton Hoo Walled Garden’s Heritage Weekend – 14-15th September to see the results: LHWG

Greenhouse Roof copyWeave

A Step into the Unknown

After six years’ of study, and a very busy time at my Degree Show and New Designers, it is very hard to imagine my life from this point on.

I am totally committed to making new work and finding customers for it and, as I received such fantastic feedback for my Degree pieces, I am confident that there is a market for my accessories and jackets.

But now comes the hard bit – planning work which which is commercially viable and making and developing those crucial contacts that lead to sales.

I have decided to take it slowly and follow up on all the fantastic advice and interest I have received so far. I certainly think I do have a business-minded approach, which many artists find a challenge, so this will definitely help.

I am also going to take some time research and produce new images from nature, as I always find this inspiring.

I really miss drawing, painting and using mixed media to create patterns and am looking forward to making a lovely sketchbook, not as a requirement of my studies, but just for the joy of it!

However, despite feeling positive and motivated (mostly) the move away from the structure and security blanket of study is so great and different from what I am used to that any future life feels like it might be happening to someone else!

Exciting and scary at the same time.

And the answer is …. handmade paper

These sections of collage represent an actual size mock up of a final piece using handmade paper and mouled ‘knots’ together with drawing where I am planning to use machine embroidery. At last I can relate my planning ‘drawing’ to my ideas for fabric manipulation and embroidery on the machine knitted base!