Artists’ Network Bedfordshire at Luton Hoo Walled Garden

Come to see our latest exhibition, part of our September Arts Trail, at the Luton Hoo Walled Garden Heritage weekend and stroll in the lovely garden to see the latest renovations.

anb logo

Meet the Artists
Art Trail @ LHWG Heritage Weekend
14th and 15th September, 11am to 4pm

art trail logo

Click on the Artist’s name to see more of their work.

Artists showing:

Joanne Bowes * Nick Colyer
Maggie Copeland * Jan Drury
Kal Flynn
Celia Glyde-Husband
Jill Goodyear * Joan Hunter
Azra Iqbal * Jennifer Steele

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Get Arty

The Bedfordshire Arts Trail and Hertfordshire Open Studios have now started.

Moat Farm, Stoke Hammond

Moat Farm, Stoke Hammond

Artists Network Bedfordshire

Art Trail - Luton Hoo Walled Garden

Art Trail – Luton Hoo Walled Garden

Show takes place in the Shooting Lodge during the Heritage Weekend Luton Hoo Walled Garden

Hertfordshire Open Studios
Hertfordshire Open Studios - Welwyn Trail

Hertfordshire Open Studios – Welwyn Trail

Hertfordshire Visual Arts

More Luton Hoo Walled Garden Textures

Here are some more of my development pieces from Luton Hoo Walled Garden. I have so far made two completed pieces and am working on a third.

Visit the ANB Art Trail at Luton Hoo Walled Garden’s Heritage Weekend – 14-15th September to see the results: LHWG

Greenhouse Roof copyWeave

More Brick Textures for ANB Art Trail Exhibition

Brick Samples 2

Brick Samples 3

This week I will be mostly creating art inspired by my drawing and painting at Luton Hoo Walled Garden. Our exhibition will co-incide with their Heritage Weekend – 14th and 15th September.

Hope you can come along to view the results.


Work in Progress for Artists’ Network Bedfordshire September Arts Trail


Brick Samples 1

A bit of a taster of my work inspired by Luton Hoo Walled Garden.
Watch out for the ANB show during their Heritage Weekend (14/15th September) to see how these samples develop into a finished piece (or not – the creative process is a mysterious one!)